Freezing your eggs is a big decision — one that we know, first-hand, can take time to think through — and freezing and sharing your eggs with another family is an even more weighted one. With our Split program, you can freeze your eggs for free when you give half to a family who can’t conceive. But beyond that, there’s even more that will come out of your Split program journey.
By freezing your eggs with Freeze by Co’s Split program, you’ll get to:
1. Invest in your reproductive future
Having kids may be way off your radar today. But if you might want children one day, freezing your eggs may help keep that possibility on the table. We believe in making that possibility as accessible as possible.
2. Do something life-changing for another family
By giving half of your eggs to another family who can’t conceive — whether it’s a couple with infertility, LGBTQ+ parents, or parents with other medical challenges — you’re making their family-building dreams possible. And that’s something truly incredible.
3. Empower yourself with knowledge about your body
By freezing your eggs, you’ll get an insight into the hormones and ovarian reserve levels that make up your fertility health.
4. Gain access to your own genetic family history
Once you match with a family, all Split members undergo genetic testing. This knowledge about your genetics could be super important down the line if you start to think about having kids.
5. Receive concierge-level support throughout the process
If you’re part of our Split program, we’ll hold your hand every step of the way. With direct access to our founders and our community of other women going through the process at the same time, you’re never alone.
We’re so excited for you. And remember, we’re always here to help.