See if you qualify for free egg freezing.
Woman sitting on a gray couch. Her arms are folded loosely and she is smiling.

One of the most commonly asked questions we hear from people considering freezing their eggs is if they’ll gain weight during the process. Hey, we get it — it’s a fair question, and while there have been tons of advancements in the egg freezing process, there’s still lots of misinformation out there about it all. Through a comprehensive exploration of the egg freezing process, hormonal shifts, medications, and lifestyle aspects, we’re here to set the record straight about weight gain and egg freezing. 

A closer look at the egg freezing process

Before we jump into potential weight implications of the egg freezing process, it’s essential to understand what that process actually entails. Egg freezing revolves around controlled ovarian stimulation, which basically means taking daily hormonal medications for about 10-12 days to stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs than usual in a single cycle. Right before you ovulate, when those eggs are at peak maturity, a reproductive endocrinologist will retrieve those eggs while you’re under anesthesia. 

In egg freezing, mature eggs are collected, frozen, and stored for your own potential future use, whereas in egg donation, the retrieved eggs are contributed to assist those who need help from an egg donor to grow their family — including gay dads, those with infertility, cancer survivors, and more. Whether you’re freezing your eggs, donating them, or both via our Split program (where you freeze for free when donating half), the stimulation process may cause concerns about potential weight changes due to hormonal shifts and medications. If this is you, you’re in the right place, and we’ll explain it all.

Dispelling weight-related myths: the what and the why

While scientific studies about this subject are limited, most fertility doctors say that, while some weight gain can be a side effect during the egg freezing process, it is unlikely for noticeable weight gain to persist beyond the retrieval cycle. It’s possible to experience slight weight fluctuations during the retrieval cycle, but these changes are typically attributed to factors like temporary fluid retention and abdominal bloating rather than significant fat accumulation. 

Not everyone experiences weight change during the egg freezing process (you could actually lose weight if you’re stressed about the experience for one reason or another and don’t have an appetite), but for those who do, it is not usually substantial or enduring.

Egg freezing medications

Some of the medications involved in your egg freezing protocol can also play a role in minor weight changes. The controlled ovarian stimulation process involves the administration of hormonal medications, primarily follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). These medications are crucial for encouraging your ovaries to develop more mature eggs during that cycle. But because these medications can influence appetite and metabolism regulation, this could lead to small weight fluctuations. 

Once you stop taking these medications, any fluctuations resulting from temporary fluid retention will likely dissipate, and these effects are generally transient. 

Lifestyle factors and their impact

Beyond medications, lifestyle factors also play a role in potential weight fluctuations during an egg freezing cycle. But regardless of your weight, we want you to feel your best throughout your egg freezing cycle. 

Nourishing your wellbeing

Egg freezing or not, a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients supports your body's overall functioning. Incorporating whole foods, lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables fosters a sense of wellbeing and provides energy throughout the egg freezing process. But in addition to helping you feel good, eating a balanced diet may have a positive impact upon your egg freezing cycle itself. And certain foods rich in specific nutrients may actually impact your egg quality. 

For more on what to eat if you’re freezing your eggs, click here.

Rest and stress management

Ensuring adequate rest is vital during the egg freezing journey. Your egg freezing medications may influence your energy levels, underscoring the importance of listening to your body's cues. Stress can also influence weight fluctuations (in either direction), making stress management an essential aspect of wellbeing during the egg freezing process. 

Prioritizing rest allows your body to recover, and if you’re trying to maintain a stable weight, it can help support that. Our recommendation? Block off some time, load up on shows to watch, plan some cozy nights, and take egg freezing as an excuse to just chill (if you can). Your egg freezing cycle might also be the perfect time to finally download that meditation app you’ve been planning to try.

Egg freezing and BMI

While we’re on the subject of weight gain and egg freezing, you may be wondering if your weight itself plays a role in predicting your cycle outcomes. There’s a lot of conflicting research out there about this, but when it comes to egg donation in particular, fertility clinics often do have BMI limitations in place. For egg freezing, you may be subject to similar BMI requirements as set out by clinic partners, but it is typically more flexible than if you are donating eggs to another family. 

The more you know

To sum it up — yes, sometimes people gain a little weight during the egg freezing process (and other times they lose a little weight). But it’s usually not a noticeable change given how the egg freezing cycle lasts under two weeks. If you have specific concerns related to weight gain during egg freezing, we encourage you to consult with your fertility doctor who can provide personalized guidance based on your weight and health history.

As you think through your options, we encourage you to explore our quiz to see which of our accessible egg freezing programs you may qualify for. 

With our Split program, members who qualify based on clinic criteria can freeze their eggs entirely for free when they donate half to a family that can’t otherwise conceive.

Through our Keep program, members self-fund their egg freezing journey and keep the entire egg yield for themselves, with discounts and support from our team every step of the way.

With both programs, members also get exclusive access to our members-only community, where they can connect with others going through the egg freezing and donation processes at the same time and lean on each other for support and encouragement.

To see which programs you qualify for and start your journey today, click the link below to take our free, two-minute quiz.