It may not come as a surprise to learn that the prime time for freezing your eggs is actually a lot earlier than you think. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG), freezing your eggs while you’re still in your 20s can help boost your chances of a successful pregnancy—and a 2010 report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that those eggs have a higher chance at resulting in a live birth no matter your age when you decide to start your family.
For many women, that means the best time to freeze their eggs is likely the moment they start wondering when they should start. Read on to see what you need to know about why freezing your eggs before you’re even sure what you want to do with them is the best way to ensure you’ll be able to make the decision for yourself when the time is right.
Your body produces a different number of eggs at different times
Your late 20s and early to mid-30s are considered the peak time to retrieve eggs—with a 2015 study from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine saying you’ll see the best results prior to the age of 34 — because your body has reached complete development and your eggs are at their most healthy and plentiful point.
That doesn’t mean that the quality of your eggs takes a major dip when you celebrate your 38th birthday. Instead, it means that as you add more and more candles to your birthday cake each year your body begins to produce fewer eggs. This becomes important when you realize how many eggs you’ll need to retrieve when you begin the process of freezing your eggs.
Take the 2020 study from Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) that showed women under the age of 35 were retrieving an average of 21 eggs during their first round of egg freezing while women between the ages of 35-37 were retrieving an average of 17. Four eggs may not seem like that big of a difference at first, but once you take into account how many eggs experts say you should have on hand when it comes time to start fertilization you’ll begin to realize just how quickly those numbers add up.
Producing fewer eggs may increase costs
The saying less is more doesn’t apply too much in the world of fertility, where your chances of going on to have a live birth increase based on the number of eggs you have on hand when it comes time to fertilize and implant them.
That 2020 ART study that showed the average number of eggs retrieved each cycle also showed that if you're under the age of 35 you will need 9 eggs for a 70% chance at having a baby. However, if you’re looking to hit that same 70% mark in your later years (think 38-40), you’ll need closer to 18 eggs to have the same chances at a live birth. With women in that age range only averaging 17 eggs per retrieval, that may mean multiple cycles, and with a $10,000-20,000 price tag that can quickly add up.
The best time to freeze your eggs is, unfortunately, usually before you can afford it
Not many people have that much money readily available in their 20s, which is why egg freezing is often financially out of reach for those who would benefit most from it. With programs like Freeze by Co you can take advantage of those peak fertility years even if you can’t exactly swing the costs.
One program offered by Freeze by Co is Split. Split Members benefit by offsetting the cost of freezing their eggs by donating half of them to a family that cannot otherwise conceive. Split Members match with intended parents, and undergo an egg freezing cycle where half of their eggs are donated to the perfect intended parents (after testing and meeting qualifications, of course). The other half are then stored (for free) for the split member for up to 10 years.
If you’d rather hold onto all your eggs until you’ve decided what your fertility future holds, you can use Freeze by Co’s Keep Member plan. These members can still benefit from lower costs, thanks to things like reduced medication fees, consultation discounts, and more.
This is the most cost-effective age to freeze your eggs
With all these numbers flying around you may be wondering where the health benefits and the financial benefits meet. According to a 2015 study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, the two numbers seem to cross paths at the age of 35.
Women who freeze their eggs at 35 for use by the age of 40 spend an estimated $15,000 less than those who are trying to have a baby at 40. And that’s not the only good news, that math seems to hold up all the way until the age of 38.
Freezing your eggs should be a positive experience
With the accessibility Cofertility gives women to take control of their fertility process, you can feel empowered to make decisions based on what’s in the best interest for you and your body without having to worry about your bank account.
Getting an earlier start at freezing your eggs through Freeze by Co (even if you don’t have a partner or aren’t even sure that your dream future includes children yet) will:
- Give you a higher chance at eventually achieving a live birth even if you wait until your late 30s or early 40s.
- Allow you to wait on making major decisions about your education, career, and future until you’re ready.
- Offer you the freedom to make medical decisions based on what’s right for you instead of what type of coverage your employer offers at the time.
- Provide peace of mind because no matter what your future family may look like you’ve already taken the first step to making your dreams a reality.
Even if you’ve missed that peak window into your fertility there are still plenty of benefits to freezing your eggs. With all of the new plans offered by Freeze by Co you’re likely to find one that will fit your current needs while giving you a chance to plan for your future.