What AMH Do I Need to Donate My Eggs?
Understanding Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels and their significance in the egg freezing and donation process.
As a potential egg donor, you may be wondering about the qualifications, including if there’s a minimum AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) levels. Understanding this hormone and its significance is critical in the egg freezing and donation process, especially if you're considering donating your eggs through an egg share program like the one offered by Cofertility. Let's delve into these important topics.
What is AMH anyway?
The Anti-Mullerian Hormone, or AMH, is a hormone secreted by the cells of developing egg sacs (follicles) within the ovaries. AMH levels are often used as an indicator of ovarian reserve, which means the quantity of eggs that are available for fertilization. The hormone plays an important role in fertility care as it provides insights into ovarian function and the potential to produce viable eggs during egg freezing.
AMH testing is a common part of the fertility workup as it helps doctors understand more about your ovarian reserve and ability to retrieve eggs that can be successfully fertilized. It is important to note that AMH level is not a measure of egg quality, but of quantity, and its level remains fairly constant throughout the menstrual cycle, which makes it a good measure for predicting ovarian reserve at any time.
What AMH do I need to donate my eggs?
Through our Split program, qualified freezers can freeze their eggs for free when donating half of the eggs retrieved to a family who can’t otherwise conceive.
In the context of donating through our Split program, having an appropriate level of AMH is important. Fertility doctors typically consider an AMH level above 2.0 ng/ml as a good indicator for egg donation, and this is the benchmark used at Cofertility. Note that some clinics have a higher requirement.
This level suggests that you are likely to respond well to fertility treatments and produce a sufficient number of eggs for both donation and personal use. This allows us to proceed with the egg retrieval process in a manner that is both safe and effective.
However, if your AMH level is lower than this, it does not necessarily mean you cannot freeze your eggs. You can still qualify for our Keep program — where you keep 100% of eggs retrieved for your own future use — we offer exclusive discounts on expenses, such as frozen egg storage. Keep members also still gain free access to our Freeze by Co Community, a safe space for those engaging in the egg freezing process (or gearing up for it) to connect and lean on each other.
Everyone is unique, and AMH is just one factor of many that we consider during the evaluation process. You can learn more about qualifications for our Split program here.
What is egg sharing?
Our unique model allows you to donate your eggs while also preserving half for your own future use. This can be an advantageous option for those who want to help others by donating their eggs, but are uncomfortable with other egg donation programs.
We believe egg sharing balances the interests of the donor and the recipient. It opens up opportunities for families seeking to conceive via donated eggs while respecting the donor's potential future family planning needs.
Egg donation with Cofertility
At Cofertility, we are striving to be the best place to be an egg donor (or what we call, a Split Member). We offer a supportive and transparent process that empowers donors to make informed decisions about their egg donation journey.
With our innovative approach, donors get to keep half of the eggs retrieved, plus:
- Free storage of their own eggs in cryopreservation for up to 10 years
- Coverage of all medical costs for the egg donation process
- Connection to the Cofertility community for support all along the way and after too
- The ability to work with the intended parents to decide together what your relationship will look like
If giving your eggs to intended parents sounds like something you would like to do, you may be able to qualify for the free egg freezing process and have your donation process covered too.
Take our quiz to see if you qualify for Split!
We believe that every donor deserves to have a positive and empowering experience, and we are committed to making that a reality. That’s why Cofertility was named one of the Best Egg Donor Programs by Egg Donor Connect.
Summing it up
Understanding your AMH level is a crucial part of the egg donation process as it provides an indication of your ovarian reserve, thereby shaping your egg freezing journey.
While an AMH level above 2 ng/ml is ideal for egg donation, it's important to remember that it's not the sole determinant of your eligibility. The process is multifaceted, taking into account various factors, and everyone’s situation is unique.
At Cofertility, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. From understanding your AMH levels to navigating through the egg sharing process, our team of fertility experts is ready to assist you in making informed decisions about your reproductive health and fertility journey. Your contribution as an egg donor can change lives, including your own.
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Can Birth Control Affect Your AMH Levels?
One common question that arises is whether birth control, a widely used contraceptive method, can affect AMH levels. In this article, we will explore the relationship between birth control and AMH levels to shed light on this topic and provide valuable insights for those concerned about their fertility.
Understanding reproductive health is crucial, especially when it comes to fertility. Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is one of the key markers used to assess ovarian reserve, which refers to the quantity of eggs. Many factors can impact AMH levels, including age, genetics, and certain medical conditions.
One common question that arises is whether birth control, a widely used contraceptive method, can affect AMH levels. In this article, we will explore the relationship between birth control and AMH levels to shed light on this topic and provide valuable insights for those concerned about their fertility.
What is AMH?
Before delving into the impact of birth control on AMH levels, let's first understand what AMH is and its significance in assessing ovarian reserve. AMH is a protein produced by the small follicles in the ovaries. These follicles contain immature eggs, and the level of AMH in the blood provides an estimate of the remaining egg supply. Ovarian reserve tests can help you make decisions about egg freezing. In general, higher AMH levels indicate a larger number of follicles and potentially better ovarian reserve, while lower levels may suggest a diminished egg supply.
Can birth control affect your AMH levels?
One common concern among women is whether taking birth control can influence AMH levels. Birth control methods, such as oral contraceptive pills (aka “the pill”), patches, injections, and intrauterine devices (IUDs), work by regulating hormones and preventing ovulation. So it is reasonable to question whether these hormonal interventions can impact AMH levels.
Research suggests that hormonal birth control may affect AMH levels. But it depends on the type of birth control.
One study looked at data from women on various types of birth control and found:
- Combined oral contraceptive pill led to 23.7% lower AMH
- Progestin-only pill led to 14.8% lower AMH
- Vaginal ring led to 22.1% lower AMH
- IUD led to 6.7% lower AMH
- Implant led to 23.4% lower AMH
- Copper intrauterine device led to 1.6% lower AMH
The authors concluded that birth control use is associated with a lower mean AMH level than for women who are not on contraceptives, with variation depending on the type of birth control
Learn more: Egg Freezing and Birth Control: An Overview
The amount of time you are on birth control may also be a factor. A systematic review of 15 studies concluded that AMH is unchanged in women using combined oral contraceptive pills if they were using it under six months.
However, they found a lower AMH in long-term users of the pill. But it’s just temporary – AMH levels rebounded after they stopped using birth control.
Is AMH accurate if on birth control pills?
One study compared the AMH levels of 228 hormonal contraception users and 504 non-users. They found that users of birth control had 29.8% lower AMH concentrations. Because of this, the authors concluded that AMH may not be an accurate predictor for women using hormonal contraception.
You may want to consider the timing of the AMH test when using hormonal contraceptives. Estrogen can suppress the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are necessary for the development and maturation of follicles.
As AMH levels are influenced by FSH and LH, you could wait for a few weeks after discontinuing birth control before measuring AMH levels for a more accurate assessment of ovarian reserve. Or, you could take the test knowing the results may be lower due to birth control. It’s best to discuss this with your doctor.
Do I need to get off birth control to get AMH tested?
In general, it is not necessary to discontinue birth control before getting an AMH test. However, it's important to be aware that hormonal contraceptives, such as oral contraceptive pills, can potentially lower AMH levels temporarily while being used. This means that if you are currently using birth control, the AMH results may be lower than they would be if you were not on contraceptives.
If you are concerned about the accuracy of your AMH test or have specific fertility-related questions, it’s best to consult with a fertility doctor. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual circumstances and help you understand how birth control may impact your AMH results. They will take into consideration factors such as the type of birth control you are using, your reproductive goals, and any underlying medical conditions. This will help ensure that you receive the most accurate and relevant information regarding AMH testing and its interpretation.
Will my AMH change if I get off birth control?
AMH can and will change throughout your life. And, it is generally believed that AMH levels should return to their baseline after stopping hormonal contraceptives.
Birth control methods, such as oral contraceptive pills, work by suppressing ovulation and altering hormone levels. Once you discontinue birth control, your body will naturally resume its normal hormonal patterns, and AMH levels should stabilize accordingly.
Individual responses to stopping birth control may vary. Some may experience a temporary fluctuation in their hormone levels as their body adjusts, which could potentially affect AMH measurements. However, these fluctuations are typically short-lived, and AMH levels should gradually return to their baseline within a few menstrual cycles.
If you are planning to assess your ovarian reserve through an AMH test, you may want to wait for a few weeks or consult with your fertility doctor to determine the most appropriate timing after discontinuing birth control. This will help ensure a more accurate assessment of your current ovarian reserve without the influence of hormonal contraceptives.
Remember, AMH levels provide valuable insights into ovarian reserve but are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to fertility.
Does birth control help egg reserve?
Although birth control does not directly affect AMH levels or egg reserve, it can provide some indirect benefits related to reproductive health. By preventing ovulation and regulating menstrual cycles, birth control can help manage various gynecological conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and irregular periods. By providing symptom relief and controlling hormone levels, birth control can potentially improve overall reproductive health (thanks birth control!).
Additionally, certain forms of birth control, such as combined oral contraceptive pills, may help reduce the risk of ovarian cysts and decrease the incidence of ovarian and endometrial cancers. These benefits contribute to the overall well-being of your reproductive system, indirectly supporting egg reserve.
AMH and egg sharing
If you are looking to donate your eggs through Cofertility’s Split program, where you freeze for free in exchange for donating half to a family that could not otherwise conceive, we require a minimum AMH of 2.0 (though clinics may have their own unique requirements). This is to increase the chances of retrieving enough eggs to actually split, to ensure positive outcomes for both parties involved.
You are not a number
With all the nuances involved here, it’s important not to get lost in the weeds. Fertility is impacted by so many factors that you can drive yourself crazy trying to manage all of them.
Remember, you are more than any number. This process can be overwhelming, but focusing on the things that you can control can help you feel more grounded during your fertility journey, whatever it may look like.
Cofertility is here to help you every step of the way on that journey.
Our Split program offers women a chance to freeze their eggs for free when donating half the eggs retrieved to a family who cannot conceive otherwise. If you qualify for the program and decide to donate half of your retrieved eggs, every expense associated with the egg freezing procedure — medications, supplements, travel if necessary, insurance, and 10 years of storage — are completely free of charge. We don’t even need a payment or credit card up front, as the family you match with covers all the expenses.
Or, in our Keep program, you can freeze and store your eggs for your own future use, with lower prices on things like storage and medication – as well as our team’s support and access to our community.
The benefits for of working with Cofertility include:
- Power of choice: Freeze your eggs more affordably or, if you qualify, freeze for free when you give half to a family who can’t otherwise conceive.
- Community: Our inclusive online spaces allow you to connect with others going through the process in our private online community.
- Compassion: We’ll always treat you with care, and our Split program gives you the opportunity to make someone’s family building dreams a reality.
- Data-driven: We provide you with trustworthy guidance and evidence-based research so you can make informed decisions about your fertility.
- Free egg freezing: Freeze and store your eggs for 10 years, entirely for free if you qualify for our Split program.
Ready to learn about more affordable (even free!) egg freezing with Cofertility? Fill out this quick quiz to learn about our accessible egg freezing options and see if you qualify for our programs — it only takes one minute.
Whatever your journey looks like, our team is here to guide you through it and keep your family-building options open.
Summing it up
Understanding reproductive health is crucial, especially when it comes to fertility. AMH is a key marker used to assess ovarian reserve, which refers to the quantity eggs. While birth control does not directly impact AMH levels or egg reserve, it can have temporary effects on AMH measurements while being used. The type and duration of birth control can influence the degree of impact on AMH levels.
If you are currently using birth control, it is not necessary to discontinue it before getting an AMH test. However, it's important to be aware that hormonal contraceptives can potentially lower AMH levels temporarily. This means that the AMH results may be lower than they would be if you were not on contraceptives. Consulting with a fertility doctor can provide you with specific guidance on timing and interpretation of AMH results.
If you decide to discontinue birth control, AMH levels should return to their baseline over time as your body adjusts to its natural hormonal patterns. Temporary fluctuations in hormone levels may occur, but these are typically short-lived, and AMH levels should stabilize within a few menstrual cycles. (And if you do discontinue birth control, definitely use backup contraception during that period if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy).
Remember, AMH levels provide valuable insights into ovarian reserve, but they are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to fertility. Consulting with a fertility doctor can help you understand the broader context of your reproductive health and provide guidance on any concerns or questions you may have.
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What Does a High AMH Result Mean?
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is a hormone produced by ovarian follicles. It is commonly used as a marker of ovarian reserve and can be measured in the blood. A high AMH level is often associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), but it can also have other causes. In this article, we will explore what a high AMH result means and answer some common questions about AMH testing.
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is a hormone produced by ovarian follicles. It is commonly used as a marker of ovarian reserve and can be measured in the blood. A high AMH level is often associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), but it can also have other causes. In this article, we will explore what a high AMH result means and answer some common questions about AMH testing.
First off, what is AMH?
AMH is a hormone that is produced by the granulosa cells in the ovarian follicles. It plays a role in the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles in females. AMH levels are relatively stable throughout the menstrual cycle and can be measured in the blood.
AMH is commonly used as a marker of ovarian reserve, which is a rough number of eggs that a female has remaining in her ovaries. Since females are born with a fixed number of eggs, this number naturally declines over time.
What are normal AMH numbers?
What is considered a “normal” AMH level depends on your age, as well as the lab where you take the test. Since there is no international standard, it’s best to use the reference ranges included on the test results (your doctor can share those with you if you did a test through a clinic).
In general, however, an AMH between 1.0 and 3.5 ng/mL suggests a “normal” range that is likely to have a good response to egg freezing.
If you are looking to donate your eggs, however, minimum AMH requirements may be slightly higher. For example, with Cofertility’s Split program, we require a minimum AMH of 2.0, though clinics may have their own unique requirements. This is to increase the chances of retrieving enough eggs to actually split, to ensure positive outcomes for both parties involved.
What AMH level is considered high?
In healthy females of reproductive age, higher levels of AMH mean that the ovaries have a larger supply of eggs. This means one would be expected to have better than average outcomes for egg freezing.
Remember, there is no universal standard for AMH, so it can vary depending on the lab where the test is run. Your test results will include if your range is “normal”, “low”, or “high” and the cut-off can differ. For example, Atlanta Fertility considers over 4.5 ng/mL high. Advanced Fertility considers anything over 4.0 ng/ml high. While RMA would consider an AMH over 3.0 ng/ml as “very high”.
With high levels of AMH, you may be at higher risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This means your doctor may choose a specific protocol and/or do extra monitoring to decrease the risk of complications during egg freezing.
What AMH level is considered too high?
Again, this question depends on the lab. Your test results will come with a reference range, and will indicate if your number is high for your age. If your doctor considers your levels abnormally high and has concerns, they will discuss the results with you.
Common reasons for high AMH
The most common reason for high AMH is that you are very fertile and likely to retrieve more eggs in an egg freezing cycle.
But a high AMH level may also indicate PCOS, which is a hormonal disorder that affects 8–13% of females of reproductive age. Those with PCOS typically have high levels of androgens (male hormones) and may have irregular periods, acne, and excess hair growth. Patients with an average AMH level ≥ 4.45 ng/ml have a 9.35 times higher likelihood of developing PCOS, but not all patients with a high AMH have PCOS.
In rare cases, abnormally high AMH could be a sign of an ovarian tumor. Certain types of ovarian tumors, such as granulosa cell tumors, can produce high levels of AMH.
Does high AMH always mean PCOS?
While an increase in AMH levels has been reported to be associated with PCOS, high AMH alone is not enough to diagnose PCOS.
Not all patients with PCOS have high AMH levels, and not all patients with high AMH levels have PCOS. Diagnosis of PCOS requires a combination of symptoms, hormone levels, and imaging studies, such as ultrasound.
Does high AMH mean good egg quality?
Not necessarily. While a high AMH level is often associated with a larger number of ovarian follicles and eggs, it does not necessarily mean that the eggs are of good quality. Egg quality is determined by factors such as your age, genetics, and environmental factors, and cannot be measured directly by AMH levels.
Am I ovulating if my AMH is high?
AMH levels do not indicate if you’re ovulating or not. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary and can be confirmed by monitoring the menstrual cycle and/or performing ultrasound studies.
Will I get a lot of eggs if I have a high AMH?
The success of egg freezing outcomes largely depends on the number and quality of eggs retrieved. Studies have shown that AMH levels can be used as a predictor of egg quantity, and can thus help to predict the potential success of egg freezing. Those with higher AMH levels tend to have better outcomes with egg freezing, as they are likely to have more eggs retrieved and a higher chance of success in future fertility treatments.
But by no means does a high AMH level guarantee a lot of eggs during an egg retrieval procedure for fertility treatments. The number of eggs retrieved during an egg freezing cycle depends on several factors, including your age, ovarian response to stimulation medications, any other underlying medication conditions, and the skill of the doctor performing the procedure.
What is a good AMH level for egg freezing?
Research has found that AMH is a good predictor of the response to ovarian stimulation and the number of eggs retrieved. Because of this, fertility doctors typically use your AMH levels (along with other biomarkers) to determine the drugs and dosages you will need to maximize your response to ovarian stimulation.
Now, what about a correlation between AMH and actual babies born (live birth rate)? Well, while AMH does seem to have some association with live birth rates after IVF, its ability to actually predict a live birth is not that great. This is especially true for younger people. A 2021 study found that AMH is a good predictor of live birth in older (>39 years old), but not younger, people. They found that younger participants (≤38 years old) could get pregnant even with low AMH levels as long as they had frequent egg retrievals.
Freeze your eggs with Cofertility
One option to make egg freezing better is working with Cofertility. Through our Split program, qualified freezers can freeze their eggs for free when donating half of the eggs retrieved to a family who can’t otherwise conceive.
Through our Keep program — where you keep 100% of eggs retrieved for your own future use — we offer exclusive discounts on expenses, such as frozen egg storage. Keep members also still gain free access to our Freeze by Co Community, a safe space for those engaging in the egg freezing process (or gearing up for it) to connect and lean on each other. It also enables access to exclusive guidance, free expertise, and community events.
By making egg freezing easier and more accessible, our programs further strengthen the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)’s Committee Opinion that egg freezing can help promote social justice and strengthen gender equality.
Summing it up
A high AMH level is generally a good sign for your ability to successfully freeze your eggs. But for some, it can also be one indicator of PCOS. While a high AMH level is often associated with a larger number of ovarian follicles and eggs, it does not necessarily mean that the eggs are of good quality (egg quality is more dependent on age).
AMH levels are commonly used as a marker of ovarian reserve and can be helpful, in conjunction with other measures, in predicting the number of eggs that can be retrieved during an egg freezing cycle. However, it is important to keep in mind that egg quality is determined by several factors and cannot be measured directly by AMH levels. If you have concerns about your fertility or AMH levels, it is important to speak with a fertility doctor for personalized advice and treatment options.
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