Donor eggs
How to Be a Supportive Partner During Donor Egg IVF
March 2, 2023
Last updated:
October 31, 2024
Going through fertility treatment can be full of stress, fear, sadness, and even shame. One of you may feel hopeful that donor egg IVF will work, while the other is afraid and not very sure. There are countless doctor visits, endless paperwork, and thousands of dollars being spent. In-between comes finding an egg donor, egg retrieval, embryo creation, hormonal injections, and implantation. But it’s not over yet. Now comes the dreaded two-week wait to find out if all of this has been successful or not. Although fertility treatment can give you hope and a glimmer of light, it can also steal your peace of mind, and at times, what feels like your sanity.
A donor egg IVF cycle can be a roller-coaster of emotions and what your partner needs most during this time is support. As the partner of someone going through IVF, what can you do to ensure they feel loved, supported, and understood?
Actively listen
One of the best things the non-carrying partner can do to help support their partner through this time is to actively listen. Don’t try to fix anything and don’t try to solve anything. Don’t interrupt and be fully present in the conversation. Ask open-ended questions and let them talk. The point is for you to listen for understanding not for responding.
Ask questions
When times are good and treatment is going well, it is easy to know what to say and do. But when things are not going well, the opposite is very true. It can be very hard to know what to say and how to help. So in times like these, it is okay to simply ask what you can do to make your partner feel loved and supported. Sometimes support may look and feel very different depending on the situation. Asking does not mean that you don’t care, it simply means you care so much that you want to make certain their needs are being met.

Attend appointments
As the partner, you are also part of the treatment process, regardless if you are involved medically or not, the process of getting pregnant through IVF requires that both of you are present from start to finish. Attending appointments is important for so many reasons. One is so you can tag-team asking the doctor questions, and secondly having two sets of ears can also help verify the understanding of complicated procedures. Having you there helps your partner feel that they are not alone. The doctor’s office can be cold and sterile and having a warm hand to hold can ease some of that discomfort and fear.
Create a safe space
It can be so difficult to be vulnerable, especially if treatment is not moving according to plan. It may make one feel that they are letting everyone down. Creating a non-judgmental space for your partner to be open, vulnerable, and honest is invaluable. Give them space to tell you how they are really feeling. Be empathic, loving, and non-judgemental. Actively listen and give them time to be fully seen and heard. Intentionally set time aside to be fully present and be open to whatever emotions that may come.
Educate yourself
To really support your partner you need to know what they are going through. One way to do this is to educate yourself about the treatments, understand the procedures, know the medical terminology, risks, side effects, and outcomes. Read books, articles, and blogs about donor egg IVF. Listen to podcasts, join groups, and ask questions. LIke the ‘90s PSA used to say, “the more you know” the more we can increase empathy and understanding.
Respect your partner’s decisions
Throughout this article I have expounded the importance of you and your partner as a team in this fertility journey. That it takes both of you from start to finish. You both agreed on this plan to grow your family. But after multiple (or maybe even one) attempt, what if they are ready to stop and you aren’t? You can be honest with what you want and how you feel. But, don’t make guilt a driving force for them to continue with treatment if they are done. At the end of the day it is their body and whatever they choose to do with their body, respect that decision. Sometimes this isn’t so dramatic as wanting to end treatment completely. It can also look like wanting to take a break, wanting to change clinics, adding holistic treatment to the plan. Whatever it may look like, have their back and respect their choices.
Show tangible support
Showing emotional support is obviously important. But so is taking over responsibilities or chores you don’t normally do. Things like making dinner, making sure the laundry or grocery shopping is done, the dog’s vaccines are up-to-date. Toilet paper roll empty? Replace it. Just the everyday little things that need to be done on a daily basis. Taking some of those things off their plate can relieve a lot of unnecessary stress.
Seek professional help
Sometimes the emotional toll of IVF can be too much. It is okay to seek professional help for you, or even both of you. Support groups that specialize in donor egg IVF can be a wonderful source of psychological and emotional support. As your partner’s main support it is also important for you to find support and time for self-care as well.
Skip baby-oriented events
If you or your partner is struggling with being around children, it is okay to decline invitations to baby showers, birthdays, or family gatherings that will be full of children. These events can trigger some pretty strong emotions. So when you see that invite, take the initiative and be the one to decline and send a gift in the mail.
If you have a partner who is going through egg donor IVF, there are many things that you can do to help support your partner through this time. What support looks like may mean different things for different people, but one of the main things is that your partner feels that you are their safe place, and ultimately can be themselves and honest with you. Remember, you are both on the same team and only want the best for each other. Knowing you can count on each other to be there when times are tough strengthens the belief that together you can face whatever life throws at you.

Dr. Saira Jhutty
Dr. Saira Jhutty is a licensed clinical and industrial organizational psychologist in private practice specializing in fertility. She is also a Founding Medical Advisor for Cofertility, and has spent the last 11 years focusing on assisting people build their families using third-party reproduction. Dr. Jhutty’s expertise lies in the evaluation of and consulting with potential surrogates and egg donors, and meeting with intended parents to discuss their decision to use alternative methods to build their family. In the past, Dr. Jhutty worked as Director of Surrogacy and Egg Donation at Conceptual Options, previously leading all gestational carrier and egg donor assessments there. Through her work with Cofertility, Dr. Jhutty provides guidance to ensure Cofertility remains at the forefront of ethical standards, including egg donor screening, intended parent counseling, and support for donor conceived children and families. For all members of Cofertility’s Freeze by Co egg freezing programs, she also makes herself available for office hours, through which members may ask questions directly within our private community.
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Dr. Saira Jhutty